It’s Time To Transform Your Business For The New Digital Age – Rise With SAP

The greatest business challenge of our time is the steady acceleration of change in all areas of trade. The pandemic has only accelerated these digital shifts. Transforming your business is necessary to stay relevant and competitive.  The scale of digital challenges can be daunting to businesses. Understandably, some businesses may feel lost in the current digital maze. But, to stay agile and competitive, business leaders must strategically transform their business. Early this year, SAP announced a new service called “Rise with SAP.” This blog attempts to clarify what is included in Rise with SAP and how it can transform your business.

What is “Rise with SAP”?

Rise with SAP is a BTaaS (Business Transformation as a Service). The objective of this product is to accompany and accelerate business transformation step by step.

Rise with SAP is a single subscription contract. It provides access to a variety of tools and services that focus on assisting with your business transformation efforts. It is a new way to redesign processes for better business outcomes.

Rise with SAP can help your company to adapt business processes on your timeline and your terms. It helps them continuously unlock new ways of running businesses to stay ahead of the competition. It can speed up the otherwise sluggish adoption of SAP S/4HANA.

Read more: SAP S/4HANA: Redefining End-To-End Solution


How Is “Rise With SAP” Transforming Businesses?

Rise with SAP can holistically transform your business with a fast time to value, regardless of your starting point. Rise with SAP is like a moving company that provides a checklist, packers, containers, and services like replacing old appliances and installing new ones. It provides a blueprint that a company can implement on its own terms and at its own pace. What is the benefit? One contract and one responsible party for all services. It simplifies your journey in four simple steps.

Step 1: A business model redesign 

This step helps businesses redesign and optimize business processes and implement the best practices in their verticals. In other words, it is a way to analyze how your business processes perform and obtain tailored recommendations.

A successful digital transformation project requires IT and business leaders to work together. This is why this analysis motivates all in your business to adapt to new business models.

Step 2: Alignment with customer journey

This is the key element of Rise with SAP. SAP realizes that each organization requires a unique path forward. Here are four starting points for digital transformation:

  • Digitally grown startups and other innovators that need to scale with speed
  • Companies that began their journey into the new world of modular ERP cloud applications are now ready to go further
  • Organizations that have started digital transformation at the outer edges, now need to focus on their core
  • Companies with a long heritage and history with a complex on-premises system

Realizing the fact that each of these starting points requires a unique path, Rise with SAP provides a highly customizable, subscription-based model.

Step 3: A technical migration

Rise with SAP includes technical services that ensure painless migration to a standard, modular, and flexible landscape. Such a flexible landscape with a consistent data layer enables businesses to react faster to ever-changing business demands.

This includes essential services from SAP and their partners. These services help eliminate modifications and custom code. Besides, it aids in harmonizing and governing a company’s data layer. Such accurate data will help businesses make informed decisions and strategize their business processes for greater advantage.

Step 4: Build an intelligent enterprise

Each company’s roadmap to success may vary but the destination is to become a digitized and intelligent enterprise. Quickly adopting S/4HANA is the key to reach that destination. To that end, Rise with SAP offers a powerful solution to get there by eliminating roadblocks and enabling its customers on their journey.

SAP believes that their customers can realize the value of their investment with up to a 20% reduction in TCO over five years as compared to a traditional ERP deployment. Definitely worth looking into, wouldn’t you say?

Read more: SAP for Business: 9 Ways to Maximize Business Performance

Components of Rise with SAP

An ideal business transformation process requires a selection of coordinated components. Rise with SAP consists of five such components that serve as the basis for transformation.

  • Business process intelligence: It helps in understanding, visualizing, and transforming your processes.
  • SAP Business Network “starter pack”: The intelligent enterprise “starter pack” includes SAP Business Technology Platform. This platform provides a single semantic layer across your organization. It serves as the basis for business transformation.
  • Cloud credits: The “starter pack” also includes an ERP system with built-in intelligent technologies. This enables your business to transform with intelligent automation.  Plus, the starter pack also provides credits for accessing SAP Business Network. This allows companies to better manage their supply chains and react quickly to market changes.
  • Embedded tools and services: Ensure pain-free business migration to the SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
  • SAP S/4HANA Cloud: Rise with SAP provides access to the company’s modular cloud ERP solution.

How Can Fingent Help Leverage These Benefits?

Rise with SAP provides access to a comprehensive bundle that can help streamline your business transformation. However, for successful implementation, you will also need an experienced partner that can provide advisory, implementation, or application management services.

Here is where Fingent top software development company, can help you. As an SAP Silver partner, Fingent has acquired a wealth of experience to provide you with a structured set of services that complement Rise with SAP.

1. Advisory services 

Before you embark on business transformation, you need to assess several aspects. These include trends in your industry, assessment of your business, your existing technology environment, and opportunities for future business growth. Working with an experienced partner such as Fingent can make all the difference. Our strategies can eliminate obstacles to unlock new business value.

2. Implementation services

As an SAP Silver partner, Fingent can provide a range of implementation services. We can tailor implementation strategies to help you achieve your business objectives quickly and efficiently.

3. Application management services

Fingent offers a full set of solutions that move beyond tactical efficiency gains. We provide flexibility and the latest strategic capabilities that smoothen business transformation and innovation.

Read more: How Fingent Enables e-Invoicing for SAP Users to Stay Compliant with GST India Regulations

Over to You

Rise with SAP is likely to galvanize the market to be the most cost-effective way to move to SAP S/4HANA. It will help overcome many hurdles that SAP ERP customers are facing. Give us a call today and let’s get talking on how to get you on to this new dynamic tool asap.

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    About the Author

    Ashok Kumar

    Ashok leads Fingent’s SAP Consulting practice for ANZ, SE Asia, The Middle East and Africa (EMEA), and other global clients. More specifically, he helps companies improve operational efficiency by enhancing their digital cores and improving their application integration. Ashok has amassed over 20 years of leadership and consulting experience having worked with Global giants like SAP, IBM Consulting, Capgemini, & Oracle in his previous assignments. Connect with Ashok via LinkedIn and learn how your business can excel with recent SAP trends.

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