Improving Business Performance With Augmented Intelligence!

Augmented Intelligence has presented enormous potential in several sectors. Enterprises are adopting Augmented Intelligence to gain the best outcomes. 

After 2 years of disruption, partners, employees, and customers increasingly expect businesses to focus on long-term value creation. With this new mandate, enterprises adopted Augmented Intelligence to build resilient businesses that prioritize communities, employees, and better customer experience.

Augmented Intelligence is poised to improve the speed and quality of employees. It improves household and workplace security, combats fraud, and increases productivity. Deploying Augmented Intelligence correctly can diminish information overload and lead to fast, data-driven decisions. 

This blog discusses how you can improve business performance with Augmented Intelligence.

Some confuse Augmented Intelligence with Artificial Intelligence (AI). Is there a difference? Let us first find that out. 

What Is Augmented Intelligence?

Essentially, Augmented Intelligence boosts human abilities and has the potential to revolutionize how we live and work. Augmented Intelligence is the utilization of AI and other types of automation to provide new and better information to help professionals make better-informed decisions, rather than having fully automated decisions. Augmented Intelligence may also eliminate rote tasks, freeing people to reflect and evaluate more easily.

AI enables machines to think and act like humans, whereas Augmented Intelligence uses the same machines to assist humans with specific tasks enabling them to make smarter and faster decisions. That means not only discovering hard-to-see trends, conditions, and outliers but also presenting these things to decision-makers in timely and easy-to-understand formats.

Read more: The Convergence of Edge Computing and AI: Why Is It Important For Your Business?

Edge Computing and AI


Does Your Business Need Augmented Intelligence?

Augmented Intelligence can make sense in any business where experienced and knowledgeable employees are key to business success. Job functions that involve making sense of many factors can benefit from Augmented Intelligence capabilities that organize or synthesize information. Companies that have difficulty finding people with the right experience or with business roles that involve lots of training can employ Augmented Intelligence to reduce training needs.

1. Distribute accurate information companywide

Deploying Augmented Intelligence helps data scientists prepare data, gain the latest insights, and distribute necessary information to all involved. It offers the full benefits of connecting technology and analytics with your employees. 

2. Ease of use

The Augmented Intelligence capabilities help routinely assemble information from all types of structured data, from multiple sources. After gathering it, it can clearly present relevant data for humans to see from every angle. This allows employees to be more informed on news across their organization.

How Does Augmented Intelligence Improve Business Performance?

Augmented Intelligence is a partnership model of people and AI working to enhance decision making, cognitive performance, and more. Business leaders striving for competitive advantages are finding that Augmented Intelligence elevates the prowess of their workforce in a variety of areas. Here are some ways Augmented Intelligence can improve business performance.

1. Build a “high-trust network”

New employees may not be familiar with how the business functions. Such unfamiliarity can shift your work culture to higher supervision leading to more towards a “low-trust network.” 

Leveraging Augmented Intelligence can equip newer staff to rapidly achieve the competence they need to take responsibility for running their own areas of business leading to a “high-trust network.” 

2. Prevent blind spots

Businesses that cannot see the necessary information when they need it grows slowly. 

Augmented Intelligence can help you see all the information about your business, customers, employees, or even competitors. Such information will help plan your business strategies meticulously, yet quickly.

3. Improve the customer environment for better satisfaction 

Augmented Intelligence helps businesses create innovative products and services. These innovations can enable a business to address customers’ queries faster, improving the customer environment. 

Read more: Memorable Customer Experience – A Key For Brand Transformation!

4. Faster and smarter decision making 

Businesses that make decisions faster and smarter are the ones that grow and remain resilient during a critical period. 

Using Augmented Intelligence to make suggestions to employees and record their responses can help you come up with the best solutions faster. It can help achieve faster results and save significant costs by reducing risky experiments.

5. Tighter security and lighter resource

Augmented Intelligence enhances the speed of knowledge in human resources and cybersecurity. By using the capabilities of Augmented Intelligence, companies can sense, decide, and act at speed and scale. Thus, companies can achieve faster results, cut costs, generate insights, and improve security. 

6. Enables strategic planning

Businesses without strategic planning are like a traveler without a map. Strategic planning creates a map for businesses to follow and correct course when needed. This is where Augmented Intelligence plays a key role.

Augmented Intelligence tools can help clean data sets and forecast future trends based on social trends and customer feedback. Thus, you will be able to make smarter marketing plans, faster.

7. Enhanced customer relationships

The success of a business greatly depends on customer relationship management. The better the relationship, the easier it is to generate leads and revenue. 

Challenge is when the business grows, the customer base increases. Such an increase can affect how you manage your customer relationship leading to either satisfied or dissatisfied customers. Thankfully, you can manage customer relationships in a sustainable and consistent way with Augmented Intelligence.

8. Keep tabs on financials

Financial monitoring is continually evolving. It’s no longer enough for companies to have regular, reliable financial reports. Today’s businesses benefit from real-time notifications and early warnings of trouble. Examples of not being able to monitor financials effectively could be the inability to invoice fast enough, detection of inaccurate billing, or identification of services that are no longer profitable. 

Augmented Intelligence capabilities can help businesses keep track of their financials even during a period of intense growth. 

Read more: Can Augmented Intelligence Improve Finance and Accounting?

Let Fingent Create a Recipe for Success with Augmented Intelligence

If Augmented Intelligence is like fine dining. Artificial Intelligence, RPA, and Machine Learning are just some of its ingredients. An experienced chef like Fingent can combine them in the right ways and at the right time to make an outstanding dish. 

Fingent professionals are experts in applied technology. We work with clients to understand their business objectives. By employing the right mix of technology we devise options for advancing their business strategy within available budgets and required timeframes.

With an ever-evolving competitive landscape, enterprises deploying Augmented Intelligence will be quicker to insights, faster to market, and more able to leverage data to navigate changing conditions today and into the future. Our experience working with many clients from many sectors and types has equipped us with insights beyond a narrow and vertical. 

 Give us a call and let’s discuss your project.

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    About the Author

    Tony Joseph

    Tony believes in building technology around processes, rather than building processes around technology. He specializes in custom software development, especially in analyzing processes, refining it and then building technology around it.He works with clients on a daily basis to understand and analyze their operational structure, discover (and not invent) key improvement areas and come up with technology solutions to deliver an efficient process.

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