Top 7 Business Benefits of Adopting SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation

SAP Intelligent Robotic Process Automation accelerates your move towards Intelligent Enterprise. Redirect your resources to high-value functions with SAP IRPA. 

Supercharge your business with SAP Intelligent RPA!

Is it a good time to look toward the future while the world is in the thick of the COVID-19 crisis?

Yes, it is! 

Irrevocably, the pandemic has impacted business priorities in far-reaching ways. This global crisis has pushed businesses to pivot on a dime as they respond to changing factors such as customer needs, market, and new priorities. Even companies that were slow to adopt automation have begun leveraging powerhouse processes like Intelligent Robotic Process Automation (IRPA). 

Read more: How Automation Ensures Businesses Stay Afloat During COVID-19 Crisis   


Organizations are now using Intelligent RPA to provide faster service to customers, revamp operations for distributing work, and reduce costs during this economic turmoil. Most enterprises are embarking on their automation journey with SAP IRPA. This piece shortlists seven reasons how global IRPA from SAP can enhance business performance and productivity.

What is SAP IRPA?

The SAP IRPA suite is an end-to-end cloud solution of automation tools. The work on IRPA technology began in early 2018. Within two years, SAP managed to become a relevant global RPA player. SAP IRPA provides better integration into the SAP application stack. It uses intelligent bots to automate repetitive manual processes. What makes SAP Intelligent RPA is that it helps businesses stay relevant by providing insights that empower them to make the right decisions. 

Read more: SAP Focused Industry Templates & Automation Solutions  

7 ways SAP IRPA can enhance the performance and productivity of your business

1. Easy integration with SAP applications

Usually, employees will have to spend a lot of time moving from one application to another. This is where intelligent bots come in and address one of the biggest pain-points of employees. It allows them to execute processes over multiple systems, multiple software, and multiple cloud solutions. This way, employees enjoy the ease of data transfer while still accessing numerous applications quickly. Such easy integration improves speed and efficiency while reducing costs.

Read more: Top 3 UI Offerings from SAP: Fiori, Screen Personas, and Lumira 


2. Purchase order follow-up

It is the responsibility of the company to follow-up on a purchase order. This may mean that the business will have to follow-up on numerous occasions, right from the issuance of the purchase order to receipt of goods. However, this does not mean that the process keeps changing with each purchase order. A single SAP report is not capable of addressing all these follow-ups. A user will have to rely on various reports. 

SAP IRPA implementation enables a user to quickly generate daily reports on all open purchase orders. By implementing the SAP IRPA tool, a business could make its follow-up system much more efficient. It allows business users to pay attention only to a few cases while the rest could be handled by the SAP IRPA tool.

3. Supplier evaluation 

Keeping track of suppliers’ information helps the purchasing department negotiate the best rates. It can also help ensure the timely delivery of material and services. A supplier evaluation could include parameters such as price and delivery of the materials or services, goods receipt, invoice verification, quality, and price changes. 

The reports must be run to get the relevant data. Implementing SAP IRPA can help business users export the data to multiple Excel sheets, and run compares to create one report that can then be published weekly. This way, a business will have error-free, real-time data that helps them with the supplier selection process.

4. Workflow monitoring

In every business, transactions happen daily, and workflow failures are common. However, at a crucial time, workflow failures can affect crucial business processes. It would require a workflow support team to run data fixes and restart the workflow. 

With SAP IRPA, you can quickly identify the issue and fix it. This process does not require a support ticket, and you can do it regularly. It takes the load off the workflow consultants as they need to be involved only for issues that require code changing.   

5. Cost optimization

SAP IRPA can create cost savings by enabling 24/7/365 execution at a fraction of human equivalents’ cost. Using robotic technology proves to be cost-effective and helps businesses cut down operational costs. 

The likelihood of human error is higher in routine manual tasks. SAP IRPA can help improve that while saving costs by eliminating the need to repeat a job. This translates into reducing costs incurred by human-error.

6. Maximize business process performance

Bots can learn patterns without explicit training. This capability helps in identifying structured and unstructured data and takes necessary actions automatically. These self-learning bots maximize business process performance. 

SAP IRPA can deliver bots that provide human-like interactions with customers. By automating repetitive business processes that need human intervention, digital assistants improve user productivity and efficiency.

Read more: How Robotic Process Automation Is Revolutionizing Industries?  

Robotic Process Automation

7. Interface monitoring 

While interfaces help in numerous transactions, they also encounter many failures. Sadly, most users are unaware of an interface failure unless they identify a failed business transaction. This may force a business to depend on support teams to identify and fix the problem to ensure that the business transaction can be completed on time. 

However, identifying the problem is a tedious and complicated task that takes a considerable amount of time. Typically, an organization starts monitoring its interface only when a business user realizes that his/her business transaction failed. 

A better approach would be to implement SAP IRPA to program interface monitoring that can be done daily. This allows the support team to focus on solving issues before a support ticket is raised.

Why is it essential to choose SAP IRPA now?

Before COVID-19, RPA has played a vital role in delivering digital transformation, driving-up productivity, improving work capacity, and augmenting overall worker satisfaction. During the COVID-19 crisis, RPA enabled businesses to take urgent action to reduce the pandemic’s negative impacts. This allowed companies to turn resources around to ensure business continuity. Moving forward, SAP IRPA will facilitate business continuity and future growth of organizations as they emerge from the current economic downturn. 

Read more: How SAP Supports Effective Business Continuity Planning  

retail management

If you haven’t yet enabled SAP IRPA powerhouse, it’s high time you did! Give us a call and let us help you get on-board ASAP.


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    About the Author

    Ashok Kumar

    Ashok leads Fingent’s SAP Consulting practice for ANZ, SE Asia, The Middle East and Africa (EMEA), and other global clients. More specifically, he helps companies improve operational efficiency by enhancing their digital cores and improving their application integration. Ashok has amassed over 20 years of leadership and consulting experience having worked with Global giants like SAP, IBM Consulting, Capgemini, & Oracle in his previous assignments. Connect with Ashok via LinkedIn and learn how your business can excel with recent SAP trends.

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