Top reasons why AngularJS is the perfect framework for dynamic web apps

AngularJS has come a long way since Google launched it in 2009. Today, it is one of the most widely used JavaScript frameworks. Here are some of the good reasons which make the framework so popular and powerful.

1. AngularJS Modular Architecture Makes the Framework Very Powerful

AngularJS has a Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, which is best suited to create dynamic web applications with rich content. The framework divides logic, process, and UI into separate modules, making development easy, simple, and faultless, while also improving code quality in a big way.

The modular architecture improves app architecture, and enhances flexibility and functionality, without compromising stability. It facilitates developers to create powerful workflows and achieve powerful results with little effort.

Developers working on a modular framework to create fully-responsive single page apps need to perform very few manipulations on JS and HTML, to achieve different results. It requires very few changes to ensure the page renders differently on various devices and platforms  Also, making changes means rearranging the modules rather than tweaking with the code itself, delivering better stability. Developers may also segment code parts, simplifying testing, updates, and maintenance activities as well.

2. AngularJS is Resource Rich

AngularJS is built on JavaScript and comes as a complete package, removing the complexity traditionally associated with JavaScript development. It offers everything the developer requires to get the app up and running. It is also very easy to co-opt third party libraries and packages, facilitating the presentation of data in a very appealing way.

The multiple templates, modules, and UI effects on offer, improve the all-important user experience considerably. AngularJS also offers several readymade versatile solutions, such as, UI routing approaches, which make the task of customization very easy.

Developers may extend the HTML templates by adding constructs to expand the HTML functionality, facilitating an advanced approach to manage components. In fact, it is possible to extend the HTML vocabulary by implementing features even during runtime

3. AngularJS Leverages the Power of Simplicity

AngularJS makes the development of dynamic web apps simple and easy.

It is possible to add AngularJS to an HTML page easily, using a simple coding script. App developers also need not add all the libraries when writing the code. They can add libraries later, making modifications and customizations very easy. The improved and declarative user interface allows developers to create eye-catchy user-experience across the app.

A normal application consists of more than 60 components, and the project soon turns messy. AngularJS makes it easy to manage and locate the codes for the developers.

The AngularJS code is easy to understand and easy to maintain as well. The ease and simplicity not only make development quicker, but it also means the client need not be tied to a developer who happened to develop the code initially. They can pick and choose any developer as required, depending on the specific nature of the problems they encounter midway.

4. AngularJS Facilitates Accelerated Development

Today’s developers are invariably hard-pressed for time. AngularJS is a godsend in the sense it offers a powerful tool to get the job done very quickly. The modular capabilities of AngularJS facilitate parallel development, reduce dependencies on other modules, and thereby accelerate the critical time-to-market.

The modular structure of AngularJS facilitates code reuse. Each created module remains either independent or dependent on each other, as per the developer preference, facilitating code reuse. Developers may co-opt their previously build components in a new application, sparing considerable rework. A simple copy-paste of an existing component into a new one will make all assets available automagically.

AngularJS also allows changing the behavior of the HTML tags, to create customizable and reusable tags. This not only makes the code more readable and quicker to create but also helps in developing a glitch-free web app

AngularJS also comes with real-time and in-built modules to support in-depth and functional testing for every constructed module. The modular structure means the segments and modules requiring testing may be processed distinctly, while the rest remains untouched.

5. AngularJS Taps into the Power of the Crowd

Popularity brings in its own benefits. It has ensured for AngularJS an active and vibrant community of developers, always ready to solve even the most advanced of concerns. Developers may easily tap into the power of the crowd to figure out the appropriate solution to fix pressing issues.

AngularJS is today the most popular framework to develop on-demand video streaming apps, apps with loads of dynamic features such as travel apps, weather update apps which require interactive display and real-time activities, interactive apps for user reviews and other purposes, apps with a lot of user-generated data, apps processing huge data loads, and more.  Some of the most popular interactive apps on the internet, such as LinkedIn, YouTube,, and others, are developed using AngularJS. Yet, the framework actually draws its strength from a very large number of small-scale developers, who find it ideally suited to their requirements.

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    About the Author

    Sanjay Kumar N S

    I am a full stack developer at Fingent. I believe in pursuing new and challenging roles and experimenting with all kinds of technology passionately instead of doing the same stuff repeatedly. This may push us out of our comfort zones but the outcome proves rewarding with excellent personal and professional growth. Infuse passion in the work you do, be proud of your code and enjoy the ride. Then, it will never be a job.

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