5 signs which imply that your business needs Odoo ERP

Does your business require Odoo ERP? Look at these aspects and decide. 

Building a business is not an overnight endeavor. Spreadsheets and separate solutions may have worked years ago, but that is old news. In the current scenario, the business world is changing every second. It is important for businesses to make informed decisions quickly. Having up-to-date data can help businesses make these decisions that impact them for growth. However, as William Pollard said, “Information is a source of learning. But unless it is organized, processed, and available to the right people in a format for decision making, it is a burden, not a benefit.” To achieve that, businesses need Odoo ERP, a centralized information structure. 

Read More: 5 Salient Features of Odoo that Make it a Reliable ERP for Enterprises 

If you find that your business is experiencing difficulties in managing aspects such as finances, order volume, and customer satisfaction, then maybe it is time to invest in a workable ERP system.  Businesses must decide which ERP can solve the majority of their problems and empower their business to succeed in its growth strategy. Before we even get to that, you must know for sure if your business actually needs an ERP system or if you can do without it. This article points you to five distinct signs that show whether you need ERP software. If your business is facing any of these 5 problems, it may be a clear sign that it needs the efficiency introduced by Odoo ERP system

1. Accessing data related to your business is a horrendous task

Is it a time-consuming task to find out what your average sales margin is or the number of orders per day? Is your company totally dependent on separate systems and spreadsheets? Do you need to update them constantly and reconcile them manually? If your answer is YES to these questions, then this is a clear sign that you need an efficient ERP system to help you.

When your business experiences growth, you will notice that your employees need quick access to data at all times. You would not want your employees running around or calling each other across different departments until they find the information they are looking for. Also, business owners need a holistic view of business operations at any given point in time. Your sales representatives too should be able to view the full transaction history of your customers so that they can increase upsell and cross-sell opportunities. Odoo ERP system helps your entire staff get the necessary information more quickly and effectively. Odoo ERP system produces accurate and real-time data. This will save your staff the precious time that is otherwise used upon the duplication process. It can enable a seamless flow of information across all your departments.

Read more: Top 5 Open-source ERP Systems for Medical Equipment Suppliers

2. You have different software to manage different processes 

Do your accounting team and sales team use two different systems while your warehouse team uses the third solution to track shipping and receiving?  Do your employees feel that the job of processing orders is a tedious manual task? 

Multiple software can create problems such as inaccurate and insufficient data. Odoo ERP can integrate these systems for a smooth business functionality within a single database. It is a source that contains accurate real-time data and prevents information confusion. This in turn helps your employees make quick decisions while freeing up their time to work on high-value projects that promote business growth. 

3. Your accounting system is too complicated

Is your accounting department still relying on paper-based invoices and sales orders? Is your staff spending many hours manually entering information into various accounting systems? Has your financial reporting become a horrendous task? If so, you need the Odoo ERP system to make a significant impact and save you some valuable time. 

With the Odoo ERP system, you can have all your financials on a single database. This means you can save time in manually cross-posting information and reconciling data. Implementing Odoo ERP reduces frustrations and minimizes delays in delivering critical reports. 

Read more: Meeting the HR Requirements With Odoo 

4. You have a complex and time-consuming IT system

Is managing your IT system consuming a lot of time? Managing multiple systems can be complex, costly, and time-consuming. Trying to add additional software to an already ineffective system is as good as patching a hole in a bucket with a cotton ball. In contrast, adopting Odoo ERP system gives you the capability to respond effectively to changing business and IT requirements. The cloud-based edition of Odoo ERP offers customized solutions. It increases flexibility and efficiency within your business. It can give you an edge in managing your partners, customers, and suppliers. 

5. Your sales are suffering because of bad customer support

Are you finding that your inventory management has become more challenging as your business continues to grow? Are you running out of popular stock just when it is most in demand? Are your employees unable to locate products that your customers are requesting? These situations can undermine the trust of your customers in your reliability and customer service. No business can survive without retaining old customers in addition to acquiring new ones.

Odoo ERP allows your entire staff to access information in real-time. This enables your customer service representatives to answer customer queries without having to transfer them to another department. This also helps warehouse managers to replenish the stock before it completely runs out. It is a failproof way to stay ahead in business competition.

Read More: 5 Reasons to Integrate Your E-commerce Application with Odoo ERP 

You Know You Need ERP. What Next?

If you see these signs in your business, you now know that you need an ERP system, so where do you go from there? You might want to know if it is worth the investment and how you can implement it. 

Firstly, remember there is no limit to the improvements brought into your business by a well-implemented Odoo ERP system. It can fix your existing problems and also enhance what is working well, which is the best driver of growth and innovation. The Odoo ERP system is a single powerhouse software that covers all your business requirements. It can improve business efficiency while providing the much-needed flexibility to run your business smoothly. As an integrated management system, Odoo ERP focuses on the main business processes often in real-time. It can collect, store, manage, and interpret data from all aspects of your business. Investing in Odoo ERP software can help businesses improve performance. It can assist with the automation of certain processes within the organization making it a worthwhile investment.

How do you implement it? Fingent is an official partner of Odoo and has hands-on expertise in consulting, implementation, and customization of Odoo for clients all over. We can help you implement and customize Odoo ERP solutions for your business needs and answer any other questions you might have. Get in touch with us and let’s get the conversation started.  

Read more: A 3-day Odoo CRM implementation story!  


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    About the Author


    I have been programming since 2000, and professionally since 2007. I currently lead the Open Source team at Fingent as we work on different technology stacks, ranging from the "boring"(read tried and trusted) to the bleeding edge. I like building, tinkering with and breaking things, not necessarily in that order.

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