Web Application Development: A Detailed Guide for 2021

A comprehensive guide to web application development in 2021




A decade ago, web pages were mostly static, with a few images and videos thrown in here and there. In 2005, however, thanks to Ajax, it made it possible to create better, faster, and more interactive web applications.

In 2021, though web application development has reached its peak of fame, web apps have become so common that they often go unnoticed. With a reputed web application development partner like Fingent, you can develop intuitive and custom web applications that simplify your day-to-day operations.

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Web apps help integrate the tailored experience of native apps with easy access on a website browser from any device. LinkedIn, Basecamp, MailChimp, or even Facebook, all have web apps that provide immersive and tailored experiences like the native apps directly from the browser. That is why web application development is gaining a lot of popularity in almost all industries, including banking, eCommerce, education, healthcare, and more.

What is a Web Application?

Also known as a web app, a web application is nothing but a computer program that uses a web browser to perform a specific function. Contact forms, for example, are web apps present on many websites.

As a web application is a client-server program, it has a client-side and a server-side. Here, the client refers to the program the individual uses to run the application. It is a part of the client-server environment where many computers share data. A typical example of a web application is the database. Here, the user enters data through the client-side (front-end), while the server-side (back-end) of the application stores and processes the information.

Both enterprises and individuals develop web applications to fulfill different purposes.


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What is Web Application Development?

Web application development refers to the process of using client-side and server-side programming to develop an application that is made accessible over the web browser.

In the initial phase of the web application development process, the developer tries to find a solution to a specific problem and then designs the web app by choosing the appropriate development framework. Later, the developer tests and deploys the web app.

Read more: The 101 Guide to Web Application Development 

Web Apps vs. Mobile Apps

While web apps and mobile apps are similar in many ways, both are different in many ways.

Mobile apps are made exclusively for mobile gadgets and are suitable for Android, iOS, and Cross-platform operating systems. Usually, mobile apps are mobile-first, meaning they work effectively on smartphones, tablets, or other handheld mobile devices. Most mobile apps work offline too. Examples include Google Maps, Amazon Kindle, Uber, etc. On the other hand, web apps function only when you have internet connectivity. A web app functions in real-time in a web browser with CPU resources. As long as you have adequate internal storage, you can download a mobile app from an app store or play store.

Read more: How are Mobile Apps Different from Websites  

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Types of Web Applications

Typically, web applications are classified into three categories based on the tools and technologies it uses.

1. Client-side web application

Client-side refers to everything the user sees at the end-user side, such as text, images, videos, forms, and the other UI. Client-side web applications are written using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and they work in a web browser. Angular js, Vue js, Ember js, Backbone js, Node js, etc., are some of the popular JavaScript libraries used for front-end development.

You can consider client-side web app building when you don’t need to preserve the user information for more than one session. It is perfect for easy games or image editors. Google Earth is a leading example of a client-side web application.

2. Server-side web application

These are web apps that can be coded in several programming languages such as Python, C+, Ruby, PHP, etc. If you develop an app with just the server-side, then the outcome of any changes in the form submission, sections, and data updates will create a new HTML file and cause the web page to reload.

Server-side programming is beneficial if you want your web application to deliver information tailored for individual users. For instance, e-commerce applications like Amazon use server-side programming to create product search results, offer product suggestions based on past buying habits, enhance user experience, and simplify the purchasing process.

3. Single-page web application

Single-page applications are designed to work in a browser and do not require reloading while in use. Most of our daily apps, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Drive, Gmail, etc., are single-page apps. Single-page web applications offer an unmatched user experience as the user doesn’t have to wait for page reloads. Single-page applications are highly responsive to user queries as they do not depend heavily on client-server communication.

Read more: A Detailed Guide to Types of Software Applications  

types of software

Technology Stacks for Web Application Development

The following web development technologies enable you to create a high-performing, fast, and advanced web application.

1. Database technologies

Due to its simplicity and multifunctionality, MySQL is one of the most preferred databases utilized for web application development. Other popular database technologies include Oracle Database, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, MongoDB, and RavenDB.

2. Front-end technologies

To develop the client-side of an app that the users interact with, you can choose highly efficient front-end JavaScript frameworks such as:

  • React JS: This is a robust and most widely used JS framework for developing large-scale and complex dynamic web apps.
  • Angular JS: A popular front-end framework by Google, Angular JS is suitable for building dynamic web apps, using HTML for static web pages.
  • Vue JS: Fairly new, this JS framework does wonders for applications. Vue JS provides an ecosystem of assisting libraries and an accessible primary library for applying huge complex page apps.
  • Backbone JS: This lightweight JS library has a RESTful JSON interface that follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) application design standard. Backbone JS helps develop and structure the client-side applications that run in a web browser.
  • Node JS: It is a cross-platform, open-source JS runtime that runs on the V8 engine and is designed to build scalable network applications.
  • Ember JS: It is an open-source JS framework ideal for developing single-page applications.

The above list features only some of the leading JavaScript frameworks used for client-side programming.

3. Backend Technology

Frameworks such as Go, Ruby, Java, Django & Python are some of the most powerful back-end development technologies.

  • Ruby: Ruby is an open-source, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language used to build highly secure and fast web applications.
  • Java: A multi-purpose programming language, Java is leveraged for Android app development, desktop apps, and web app development. Java offers excellent security and stability.
  • Django & Python – Python is flexible, advanced, and has a low learning curve. This programming language covers back-end web development. Python, along with its framework Django, can meet back-end development tasks efficiently.
  • Go: Designed by Google’s developers, Go is an open-source programming language that is fast and statistically compiled. It helps build simple, reliable, and concurrent web applications.

Read more: Top 6 Stacks That Reign Software Development in 2020  

Benefits of Web Application Development

  • Speed and cost: Web application development is faster and more economical than building native apps. If your primary goal is to accelerate time-to-market, then web application development is the best choice.
  • Cross-platform capabilities: Web applications can be programmed to run on any operating system. Due to their cross-platform capabilities, web applications can adapt well to Android, iOS, Mac OS, and Windows phones. Device responsiveness of web applications helps you get rid of OS dependencies.
  • Browser compatibility: A web application runs on the device’s browser using an accessible URL. Modern web applications are compatible with all browsers, such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Bing. So, you don’t have to face software compatibility challenges.
  • No downloads needed: Web apps don’t need to be downloaded from app stores such as Apple’s App Store or Google Play. This helps save money since having a direct link through a web app is free.
  • Easy to update: Updating web applications is easy, as only the server(s) would require upgrades.
  • Cut operating costs: Web application development is a great way to cut operating costs. You can eliminate unnecessary expenses such as hardware purchases, frequent device updates, and maintenance of numerous systems.
  • Custom web applications: Custom web application development offers several benefits as you can tailor the features for the users. These applications are easily accessible via browsers with a stable internet connection. Custom web apps help cut unnecessary expenses and save time as you only need to develop the required features.

Read more: Custom Software Development is The Ideal Way to Build Business Apps in 2021  

Custom software

A custom web app can significantly improve your business traction, brand awareness, communicate your brand ideology and help you gain a competitive edge in the chosen target market.

Web Application Development Process

Here is an overview of the steps we follow at Fingent for developing web applications.

1. Conceptualize

The first step is to define the problem you want to solve with a web application and collect all the relevant information needed for app development. A well-defined problem will give an excellent head-start to the project and help you identify the best solution. Next, clarify the purpose as well as the end goals of the application.

Ask these questions during the planning phase:

  • What app do you want to build?
  • What features and functions should it include?
  • What is the audience of your product?

2. Design and build

The designing phase involves creating a wireframe for communicating the solution to target users. Then, the developers can consider designing elements that will provide an enjoyable user experience to the target audience.

Post-design, the next step is to build (develop) the application. The following steps will happen in this phase.

  • To create a database for storage, the developers need to determine what data and data types are required for the application to perform well.
  • Based on the elements approved by the users during the wireframing process, developers will create the front-end application. For this, the developers need to identify the best frameworks for front-end development.
  • Developers will create interaction between the user and the server.
  • Developers can either code from scratch or use front-end and back-end frameworks to develop the web app.
  • Based on the application type, that is, client-side/ server-side/ single-page, programming is done.

3. Test and implement

Whether it is an automated or manual web application, testing for the web application is an ongoing process throughout the software development lifecycle.

  • The Testing (QA) team will have to test the app for usability, compatibility, functionality, security, and performance to eliminate bugs and ensure that the application works without any glitches.
  • Testing also helps identify any possible improvements and upgrades to make in the future.
  • Once the testing is completed, you can finally implement the application in your company or customers.
  • When using it for your company, you will have to train your employees to use the app productively (if the app requires training).
  • For customers, you will have to create a communication strategy and decide on the appropriate timing to launch the application in the market.

At Fingent, we help you perform all the mandatory software and usability testing to ensure that your web app functions seamlessly. We also provide training and support to use the apps effectively.

4. Hosting and Maintenance

You must buy a domain and choose a hosting provider to create a server location for the app. We help you choose shared hosting, dedicated hosting, or cloud hosting based on your requirements.

We also help you maintain the web application. Some of our application maintenance services include:

  • Ongoing QA testing
  • Bug fixes and improvements
  • Addressing changes and adding features based on user feedback
  • Providing regular updates and technical support

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Web Application Development Validation & Deployment

Once your web app is developed and ready to be launched, remember it must be tested to ensure that the app functions correctly before its deployment. Bug fixing alone is not sufficient. Testing is vital to web application development.

We perform standard web application testing, such as:

  • Usability Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Application Security Testing
  • Quality Assurance Testing and Bug Fixing
  • Browser Compatibility Testing
  • Responsiveness Testing (Responsive Web Design)

After completing the quality assurance process, your web app is ready for launch. You can use GitHub, Beanstalk App, and Bitbucket App to deploy the web app to your servers. Any new features, changes, and improvements to the deployed application are implemented according to the user’s feedback.

With over a decade of experience in web application development, Fingent helps you cover all these processes.

Read more: Offshoring Software Development: Here’s All You Need to Know  

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    About the Author

    Vinod Saratchandran

    Vinod has conceptualized and delivered niche mobility products that cater to various domains including logistics, media & non-profits. He leads, mentors & coaches a team of Project Coordinators & Analysts at Fingent.

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