IoT Implementation: Common Mistakes And Strategies To Tackle Them

Most Common Mistakes To Avoid While Implementing IoT

There are many pressing concerns about the possibilities of IoT in businesses. The most common is probably the question, “Is my business too small to adopt IoT practices?” However, as per the available statistics, the global IoT market is expected to reach $1.7T by the end of 2019.  It is surely not unnoticed that IoT implementation has helped businesses both big and small to drive growth and innovation.  

Making key errors while implementing IoT can however cause the entire business system to halt. These issues can be those related to device management, data flow across the organization, various partnerships involved, and so on. Security, scalability, cost involved, and the complexity of the system are other key factors.

Let us walk through the most common mistakes made while adopting IoT.

1. Security Concerns Associated With Technology Implementation

More than 80% of the senior executives in industries across the globe suggest that IoT implementation is crucial for positive business outcomes. Since more and more devices are connected to the global network, the highly sensitive data and applications require access restrictions to avoid any malpractices. For instance, the security scope needs to be end-to-end to support connected devices. 

An IoT implemented framework needs to be secure. The security concerns could be any of the following:

  • An Insecure Web Interface
  • Improper Authorization Techniques
  • Privacy Issues
  • Cloud Interface Insecurity 
  • Insecurity In The Mobile Interface
  • Insecurity In-Network Services
  • Software Or Firmware Issues
  • Lack Of Physical Security
  • Lack Of Transport Encryption
  • Issues In the Security Configuration

Poorly secured IoT devices and software make the IoT prone to cyber-attacks. End-to-end security is thus crucial for any IoT deployment. For instance, consider an Internet-connected car wash. Such devices use a default password. In this case, when a security concern arises, it also leads to a safety concern. 

The solution here is an external security audit of the implemented IoT device. This builds confidence to perform new IoT implementations as well. 

2. Not Being Aware Of The Critical Data Flow Forecasts

Not being able to forecast data volume can be one of the major mistakes in IoT implementation of devices and applications. According to EMC Research, the rate at which data is growing is exponential. It states that the volume of this data would be equivalent to 6.6 stacks of 128gb i-Pads which are fully-loaded, and will stretch from the Earth to the Moon!

Moreover, many businesses think that the more data they extract, the better it is for their business. Many a time, this misconception can lead to storage swelling of both structured as well as unstructured data. 

The solution is to ensure the proper working of the right IoT big data business strategy with a clear forecast on different factors. The factors could be the amount of network traffic, storage requirements, and so on. 

In case of an already existing functional data system, edge computing can be implemented to ensure intelligent pre-processing of data. 

Internet Of Things – Letting Industries Go Digital

3. Cost Factors Involved In Decision-Making Of IoT Implementation

According to recent statistics, cost savings have turned out to be the major IoT adoption criteria for over 54% of enterprises. Taking into account just the cost factor while deciding to implement IoT might turn out to be another major mistake. Various factors affect the cost of implementing IoT projects. Starting from the number of connections to the device, the type of technology used, to the type and features of the application to be loaded, there are many more. 

Hardware, let us say, is a major factor that affects the cost of IoT implementation. The cost of the IoT application is directly proportional to the number of devices used in the connection. Likewise, Infrastructure is another major factor that influences the cost of IoT projects. The infrastructure used could be wireless, middleware, or cloud-based. 

4. Lack Of Proper Plans For Device Updates And Replacements

A proper IoT device management is critical to ensure core compatibility of the IoT platform. Device reliability is the most important requirements to ensure an enterprise-ready platform. Device management operations include network, power states, device geolocation, and so on. 

Large volumes of data collection, transfer, storage, and utilization can result in malfunctioning of connected devices in the IoT ecosystem. Implementing an IoT platform enhances the integrity of connected devices. 

The solution to the pressing concern of planning can be solved through regular monitoring, diagnostics, software updates, and maintenance. Performing frequent OTA (Over-The-Air) updates helps the IoT platform in monitoring and maintaining the device software, fixing bugs, managing firmware, and in customizing the connected devices. This ensures in-depth device protection. 

Related Reading: Check out more about IoT – Where and Why should you invest!


In addition to the above-mentioned common mistakes, the following are a few other factors that can lead to IoT errors:

  •  Lack of setting a realistic timeline for IoT implementation Achieving a realistic idea on the timeline of IoT implementation is necessary for a positive outcome. 
  • No Tolerance For Possible Failures – Implementing IoT without having a clear picture of your IoT project can be a big mistake. Leave room for scaling up new ideas. 
  • Relying Only On Existing Charts – IoT implementation requires dedicated decision-makers instead of relying only on existing organizational charts and decisions.
  • Lack Of Technical Expertise – When every part of the IoT project is either reinvented or being contracted out, you are unsure of the third-party development and deployment teams. Technical expertise is the key to a successful IoT project.

Are you looking for an efficient technology partner to help you adopt IoT the best possible way? Get in touch with our experts today for a streamlined and error-free IoT implementation for your business.



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    About the Author

    Tony Joseph

    Tony believes in building technology around processes, rather than building processes around technology. He specializes in custom software development, especially in analyzing processes, refining it and then building technology around it.He works with clients on a daily basis to understand and analyze their operational structure, discover (and not invent) key improvement areas and come up with technology solutions to deliver an efficient process.

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