How the 5th Industrial Revolution is Advancing Humanity at Workplace

Industry 5.0 Is All Set to Highlight the Significance of Humanity at Workplace******

“The industrial revolution was another of those extraordinary jumps forward in the story of civilization.”

                                 – Stephen Gardiner, English bishop, and statesman.

Standing at the threshold of the 5th industrial revolution (also known as Industry 5.0 or 5IR), we are poised for another jump forward.  And yet, we have seen in the past that the march of these successive industrial revolutions has left an element of dehumanization in their wake. Will that be true of the 5th industrial revolution as well? Experts disagree, which is good news indeed. 

This blog takes a look at how the 5th industrial revolution is bringing the focus back to humanity.

A Phenomenal Journey Towards the 5th Industrial Revolution


The journey started in 1760 when the first industrial revolution ushered in urbanization, providing work for people at factories. 

The second industrial revolution changed the socio-economic situation of the world, improving transport and communication. Also, better automation provided better employment opportunities.

The third industrial revolution saw the invention of the computer, enabling automation in both the office and production lines.

The fourth industrial revolution brought in better communication and connectivity across the globe. It saw the advent of intelligent technologies like robotics, blockchain, IoT, and more.

Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Augmented Reality and more such technologies have changed the technological landscape like never before. Let’s not forget how Artificial Intelligence has tremendously transformed, customer experience, in recent years. Here’s a look!

That leads us to the question: What can we expect from the 5th industrial revolution and will it help improve humanity? 

Before that, let us find out what the 5th industrial revolution is exactly.

The 5th Industrial Revolution

Though different experts have different explanations about what the 5th industrial revolution is, most of them agree that the 5th would be based on the 4th. 


A look at history shows that each revolution became the foundation for the next revolution. We can thus expect the 5th revolution to be built over the 4th revolution, but it will go one step further. 

An article developed in collaboration with the World Economic Forum puts it this way: “In contrast to trends in the Fourth Revolution toward dehumanization, technology and innovation best practices are being bent back toward the service of humanity by the champions of the Fifth … In the Fifth Industrial Revolution, humans and machines will dance together, metaphorically.” 


(Sorce: DataProt)

With this in mind, we can foresee the 5th industrial revolution to be an AI (artificial intelligence) revolution with the potential of quantum computing which will draw humans and machines together at the workplace. It is about harnessing the unique attributes of AI by recruiters and employers who in effect will be more equipped to make even better and more informed decisions.

“AI is becoming more prominent with 50 percent of workers currently using some form of AI at work. However, 76 percent of workers (and 81 percent of HR leaders) find it challenging to keep up with the pace of technological changes in the workplace.”

How Industry 5.0 Brings Back the Focus to Humanity

1. Uncaging recruiters

The 5th industrial revolution (5IR or Industry 5.0) places greater importance on human intelligence than ever before. Even today in the war on talent, AI enables recruiters to capture better profile matches. 5IR brings huge benefits in providing the candidates with a more personalized experience in their job search. 

“According to an article in Forbes: 34% of HR leaders are investing in workforce learning and reskilling as part of their strategy to prepare for the future of work!”

5IR will also uncage human resource teams from the major part of daily administration. This will give them time to fine-tune and meet talent requirements, allowing them to focus on the growth and productivity of their organization.

Read more:  Learn why you need to develop a custom platform for remote employee hiring and onboarding.

Hiring and Onboarding

2. Puts women at the forefront

Martha Plimpton said, “Women have always been at the forefront of progressive movements.” This is true even with regard to 5IR. It will play a critical part in shaping the role of women. As businesses hire unbiasedly, women and girls worldwide will be empowered. 

3. Prevents the repetition of Engels’ pause

During the first industrial revolution, though per worker output expanded, real wages stagnated for about 50 years. This stagnation was called Engels’ pause. It is estimated that 5IR has the potential to prevent such stagnation. Though 5IR will take away mundane and repetitive tasks, it opens the way to curiosity, creativity, empathy, and judgment ensuring a balance between people and technology. 

4. Changes the way we work

Most of us no longer want to work at 9-5 jobs. The way we work is dramatically changing. As our preferences in job and timings change, companies are forced to change too. Surely 5IR will change this even further. 

New employees will no longer have to read a pile of documents or sit through meetings to get all the current and accurate information. This would mean that you can onboard them very easily without having to invest a great deal in training. 5IR will help companies make the most of existing resources helping management teams to focus on more strategic tasks.

The recent pandemic situation has also paved the way for remote working culture, which is now gaining fast popularity. Innovative cloud platforms, such as InfinCE, are supporting this rapidly evolving work culture with streamlined collaboration and smooth communication solutions. Enabling enhanced communication channels, video conferences, and a secured environment for task sharing, monitoring, and collaboration; InfinCE and such other integrated cloud platforms are revolutionizing the work culture of the future. Let’s not forget that with the revolutionary 5G technology, remote collaboration is expected to take new heights with virtual meetings and augmented solutions. Here’s a deeper look into how 5G is reinventing the way we work.


Although the advanced communication channels and collaboration apps, along with 5G technology is creating an impact on work culture, experts call AI and Remote Work, a match made in the future. Why? Here are a few reasons!

  • Monitoring the outputs of the remote workforce has always been a concern. But with machine learning and artificial intelligence, tracking remote tasks in real-time is not just possible but also effective and seamless.
  • The HR management has to comply with company policies and other legal requirements before recruiting, and these tasks prove quite tedious. Utilizing intelligent technologies to create remote positions can streamline these procedures and turn down the load of the people management department.
  • Implementing survey-based tools can simplify collecting reviews and reports on employee performance which in turn can help strengthen the workforce of a company.

Intelligent technologies are sure to take a lead when it comes to human resource management, and 5IR is sure to embrace this change!

5. Paperless technology

As mentioned earlier in this blog, 5IR is all about embracing digitization and intelligent technologies to enhance human efficiency. And paperless technology is doing just that! 

Simplifying strenuous paperwork across industries, paperless technology is turning to become the future! Reducing excessive manual effort, to reducing duplication of work and errors, paperless technology is already highly streamlining complex work processes in Banking, Finance, and Law sectors. 

Another industry that has hugely benefited from this technology is the field service industry. Going paperless on the field is not just enhancing field service management efficiency but is also enabling field technicians to leverage complete digitization. Mobile field service apps like ReachOut Suite are utilizing these evolving capabilities of mobility and digital forms to empower field workers with streamlined collaboration, easy management, and instant report generation solutions to deliver enhanced customer experiences.

When talking about paperless technology and the future, let’s not forget how machine learning is impacting and shaping this new paperless era. With advanced tools to print, scan, and sign digitally, ML is taking the paperless revolution to the next level, providing a wider scope for paperless offices and digital environments. Here’s a deeper look into how Machine Learning edges us closer to paperless offices!

Machine Learning

The 5th Industrial Revolution is Just What We Need

In 5IR, technology will bend back towards the service of humanity, marked by creativity and a common purpose. 5IR will empower us to close the historic gap and create a new socio-economic era. Isn’t that exactly what the world needs?

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    About the Author

    Tony Joseph

    Tony believes in building technology around processes, rather than building processes around technology. He specializes in custom software development, especially in analyzing processes, refining it and then building technology around it.He works with clients on a daily basis to understand and analyze their operational structure, discover (and not invent) key improvement areas and come up with technology solutions to deliver an efficient process.

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