Infince – Digital Transformation for Today’s Small Business

Infince is blazing a new way for small businesses to run software. Introduced by Fingent during the 2018 Small Business Expos in New York and Boston as a revolutionary way to “untangle technology,” Infince not only simplifies the way small businesses acquire, operate, and maintain the technology they need to compete, it also greatly lowers IT costs.

“Although today’s successful large enterprise thrives on its cloud-based capabilities, over 70% of small businesses fail to take advantage of available and affordable technology that would significantly drive their growth,” said Stephen Cummings, Senior Vice President at Fingent. Talking to small business owners at the expos, he found the level of frustration with the current piecemeal approach to small business IT readily apparent. “We found that small business owners often struggle with technology decisions because they are short of time, perplexed by the technical complexities, worried about online security, unfamiliar with readily available solutions, or unable to find knowledgeable technical people to help them.”

Of course, companies need to have a unique online identity with a domain name, a website, company email, and social media. Beyond that, even companies that are not “tech companies” realize that to compete in any industry, they need the right business software, networking, and computers, and support services. Getting these systems set up, and keeping them running securely and reliably, is a significant drain in terms of cost and management attention.

(The Infince team at the Small Business Expo, New York) 

Almost any small business is at a big IT disadvantage when competing with large companies. Economies of scale, and enhanced purchasing power allow large companies to spend significantly less per employee, than small companies. puts the average small business expenditure on IT at 6.9% of revenues, more than twice what large enterprises spend proportionally.

Omar Khan, Fingent’s Infrastructure Lead, puts things into perspective: “For a small business to compete effectively, IT needs to be a resource that can be consumed like the phone service or the cable service. That would free a small business to focus on enhancing its core capabilities and still leverage technology to propel growth.”

With Infince, the small business has a single integrated place to operate and maintain its IT software and hardware. Infince is able to bring together software solutions from a range of providers on a fully managed platform. By integrating software, hardware, and related services on a cloud-based infrastructure, the platform dramatically cuts the cost of IT. This, in turn, gives small businesses many options for technology that would otherwise have been cost-prohibitive. The quick-start, on-demand, availability of Infince solutions make it easy to get solutions up and running, without a big time commitment, so time-to-value is minimized.

IT costs per employee range significantly by company size and by industry. Estimates of the IT cost for a small business range between $2,770 (Spiceworks) and $9,900 (IDC) per employee per year. Infince makes it more economical for a small business to get the equivalent of big business technologies. A starting subscription of $50 per month provides up to 10 employees basic IT capabilities, and access to a wide range of affordable (some free) third-party offerings for CRM, marketing automation, and solutions for their other needs.

Infince is a complete and worry-free cloud offering that lets a business adopt technology quickly and affordably, and with integrated support. It lets businesses take advantage of a needed technology without distraction, so that they can stay focused on achieving their core business goals,” said Stephen Cummings.

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    About the Author

    Ashmitha Chatterjee

    Ashmitha works with Fingent as a creative writer. She collaborates with the Digital Marketing team to deliver engaging, informative, and SEO friendly business collaterals. Being passionate about writing, Ashmitha frequently engages in blogging and creating fiction. Besides writing, Ashmitha indulges in exploring effective content marketing strategies.
