Top 3 Trends to Promote Your Brand Through Social Media

Do you think social media marketing is important for your business? If yes, do you use social media channels on a regular basis? If your answer is yes, then great. What if you didn’t post a tweet today, or in the last one week? What’s going to go wrong, right? (That’s an oxymoron!).

Well, what’s going to go wrong, is probably your entire business. Yes, it is that important. According to a recent study, about 1.7 billion people in the world use social media. That accounts for almost a quarter of the world. Which means, if there is anything that you want people to know, or if you want to know about something, chances are, that you either put it up on a social media channel, or read it up through one, respectively. What started off as a secondary marketing technique by, let’s say around early 2000, has now become THE MOST influential tool for marketing in a few years. So, as much as you need to be active on your social media networks, you need to also keep yourself updated with all the latest trends in social media as well, don’t you think?

Here are the top 3 trends in social media marketing.

  1. SoLoMo – Since social media marketing and advertising through mobiles have been gaining popularity lately, and since social media is one of the most popular channels for digital content, there has arisen a new marketing mix, involving all these 3 factors. It is called SoLoMo, which is an acronym for Social, Local and Mobile based marketing plans. TechTarget defines SoLoMo as “a term representing the convergence of collaborative, location-based and on-the-go technologies primarily used for marketing and discovery purposes.” Some examples of apps using this technique are FourSquare, Yelp etc. You need to really engage with your customers through social networking sites and keep your online marketing efforts in line with your offline efforts. You need to also reach out to your customers wherever necessary, through location-based apps that compliment your facebook and twitter ads.

  2. Twitter trends – According to a recent Twitter survey, apparently almost 61% of Twitter users follow various businesses online to share their opinions and ideas. Promoted trends on Twitter have had a pretty huge impact in this regard. 32% of users said that they are more likely to follow and even visit certain businesses after they see a promoted tweet from them that relates to their personal interests or ideas. Promoted trends are basically time-based, context-based and situation-based trends in Twitter, promoted by the advertisers. Just like trending topics, promoted tweets are also visible to all Twitter users and on clicking on them, the users will be shown all tweets that contain the trending hashtags or terms. These are very effective when you want to disseminate mass awareness about a particular product of yours. You can concentrate on a targeted niche of users every time you launch a new product or service too.

    This is an example of what a promoted trend on Twitter looks like:

    promoted trend on twitter

  3. Visual content – Whether it is on Facebook or Twitter or any social media channel, visual content never fails to attract us. It has been found that posts on social media channels with videos, attract up to 3 times more inbound links than regular text posts. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest etc. are some platforms that businesses utilize, to post videos and launch video advertisements through. Companies can run visual content marketing campaigns to increase their profits as well. Visual content marketing campaigns involve content in several forms such as animated GIFs, images, infographics, videos etc. or anything that attracts you. Various organizations have carried out such campaigns and have experienced tremendous increase in customer engagement and hence their profits.

These trends, along with a number of upcoming trends in the world of social media marketing are sure to bring about a revolution in this field. As influential as these are, the impact that they are going to create in this regard is also going to be pretty huge. What do you think are likely to affect industries in a big way?? Let us know in the comments below.

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    About the Author

    Ashmitha Chatterjee

    Ashmitha works with Fingent as a creative writer. She collaborates with the Digital Marketing team to deliver engaging, informative, and SEO friendly business collaterals. Being passionate about writing, Ashmitha frequently engages in blogging and creating fiction. Besides writing, Ashmitha indulges in exploring effective content marketing strategies.

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